Here at Adam’s Garden Florist we usually have a selection of small potted succulents available for individual sale. The very small 70mm ones are only available to collect in-store. If you wish to get a plant delivered to someone special there are other plants available for purchase here in the online shop (or by phone of course).

Plants we stock:
Our stock varies, but we try to have a nice selection of indoor plants and hardy plants, that are easy to care for.
Some varieties we like to stock (not always available):
Succulents (Haworthias, Jade, Crassula, Sedum, etc…)
Zanzibar Gem
Terrarium Plants (tiny philodendrons, ferns, fittonia, pepperomia, etc…)
Chain of Hearts
Air plants/Tillandsia
and other things as available.
*The popularity of some plants (especially the chain of hearts!) means that it isn’t always possible to have everything we’d like in stock, as things sell out or aren’t available from our growers until certain times of year.