Your local Parkwood Florist:
Adam’s Garden Florist is a walk-in floral studio, also delivering all over the Gold Coast. We stock a range of fresh flowers, plants, silk flowers, gifts – including teddies, chocolates (we like the locally made Belgian Delights!), balloons, etc…
As well as our lovely flowers, we are also known for our funky plant gifts. From simple succulent pots wrapped in hessian, to terrariums made with sand and air-plants. At the moment we also have a window of ripsalis plants (very trendy!) and a wall of various hoyas. Most popular last month was the chain of hearts plant grown in a heart shape… you should check them out!
Easy to order:
It’s easy to order over the phone or online, or you can pop in to pick something up in person. We are open Monday to Saturday. Contact us on: 55947774. For more details see the contact page, or visit the shop.
A real local, Gold Coast, business:
These days it can be difficult to distinguish the real brick-and-mortar florist shops from online only and order gathering sites – but you can rest-assured that we are real, and locally based right here in Parkwood. Real people, nice flowers, fun plants.
Find us on social media:
(but we don’t post too often, because we’re busy running things and looking after all the precious plants… : )