
Florist’s Choice

Sending a bunch of flowers just because? Don’t know what to get? This is the perfect option for you. Choose our bouquet of the day – our florist’s choice posy.

bouquet of the day florist flowers

If you have a preference for bright or soft colours, standard bouquet or hand-picked look posy, just let us know and we’ll do our best.


Floral delivery to Gold Coast areas

Adam’s Garden Florist has offered flower delivery across the Gold Coast since 1975. How’s that for awesome?

For a overview of exactly which suburbs we deliver to please see our list here. There’s not many places we don’t cover – though some further out suburbs do attract an extra fee (we have to pay our couriers appropriately, of course.)

simple sunflower bouquet gold coast delivery

If you know someone that needs a special bunch just ask us, we’ll do everything we can to help.

We are centrally located in Parkwood, adjacent to the suburbs of Southport, Arundel, Labrador and Molendinar. This is also near the Gold Coast University Hospital, Gold Coast Private Hospital and Griffiith University.


Hi there, we’ve just begun a new project and we’re very excited to tell you about it. We’ve opened ‘Little Plants’ – an online store that is another outlet for us to showcase our interesting living plant gifts, as well as other unique things.

You can check it out here:

little plants growing gifts gold coast delivery

This website will be another way for us to show people all we do here at Adam’s Garden Florist – we do so much more than just flowers!

Why ‘Little Plants’?

Because we don’t really do the big stuff. We’re talking cute and funky presents, not office floor to ceiling things…

Why another website? Why not just add the products to the Adam’s Garden one?

Most of the things on ‘Little Plants’ will be here on our main site, never fear, but hopefully this will help people who don’t expect florists to have cool things like this to find them…

love love

x the agf team

These are some ceramic hanging pots just in, and we’ve found some funky succulents for them…

hanging succulent pots parkwood plants in pots delivered gold coast adams garden florist gold coast parkwood plants delivery succulents in hanging pots gold coast

These make a great gift! A mix of a few different succulents in a glass fishbowl.


I was wondering how to make the wrapping extra-special on this box of chocolates that was going out, when I found some spare short roses and tada! I’m sure this would work at home with some flowers from the garden too, or even with some twigs or leaves…
